A Time Capsule of 2014
On the cusp of New Years, I like to take a little time to review the year. Although I can't squish a year into one post, I can share some of my favorite and most defining moments of the year (You can check out 2013, 2012, 2011, and even 2010) Goodness...this blog has been around the block :)
There was a new job for Josh, being brave, and opening up a little print shop. There was sharing my memoir from the first months of motherhood. There was minor surgery, chubby cheeks, and photo shoots. There was turning 29 and celebrating a very golden birthday. And then there was Luke turning one, buying a house, and first haircuts. Then, Mac went to live with a new family after some crazy events (which was SO hard for us, but the best decision for our family). There were lots of naps and washing dishes sans a sink and a dishwasher. Uffda...that kitchen project was (and is) no joke! There were construction workers on Halloween and building kitchen tables. Finally, there were three of us--a year full of family, transition, some hard, some good, some exciting, some not.
All in all, 2014--you were a great year of growing and learning and fun.
2015--here we come!

what a good year!! blessings for 2015