September Goals
So, August was a bit 50/50 in the goals department. I think I tried to squeeze too many things into the first part of the month and neglected to take into account that we'd be in Minnesota for the latter part of the month (which I will share more about later!) Not only that, but it was one of those months that was just weird and had no routine. Josh was gone for about a week, we were in Minnesota for quite a bit of it, plus we decided to start a big kitchen project in the middle of all the other stuff too. Thankfully, this month will be much more routine :)
Here were August's goals:
Paint hallway and main bath. Done. But this took forever--especially since the hallway requires lots of cutting in and the bathroom needed wallpaper removal (I almost gave up on this one!). But, it's done! Whew :)
Enjoy a date (or two) with Josh. We did do this! We even snuck out on an overnight date while my parents babysat Luke. It was absolutely needed and lovely!
Do 10 minutes of Pilates/Yoga/Walking per day. Um. Kinda? I didn't sit on my bum all month, but I didn't make an effort to put in dedicated workout time.
Organize my computer files on my desktop. Still not done. Still really need to do.
Make/Find a list of fun toddler activities and keep that list handy. I looked up some stuff, but I didn't do much of anything new. But hanging out in Minnesota provided him with lots of new activities and toys (and people!) to play with.
Onto September's goals (doesn't September somehow feel a little fresh and new? Thank goodness!!)
No fast food. So, with our kitchen remodel in the works (yikes!) we've been grabbing lots of junky food because we were tired and, honestly, I didn't make a big effort to plan ahead. This month, we decided that our waistlines and budget would greatly appreciate cutting out fast food this month. But, this means that I have to be diligent to plan ahead. If we are in a pinch, we decided that we could do Subway or Chipotle.
Finish Christmas prints for the shop. Even though I'm a bit of a Christmas purist (I don't like to start celebrating too early!), I want to be ahead of the game this year as far as the print shop goes. I've already started a few and have a lot more ideas up my sleeve :)
Get started on my capsule wardrobe project. I want to take some time to define a budget, clothing pieces, and "look" for a fall capsule wardrobe. Honestly, it's not that I have too many clothes, it's that I have too many pieces that are stained, torn, and not my "daily" wardrobe (in other words, I have a lot of professional dress clothes that I rarely wear since I'm not working). I feel like it's time to invest a little in my closet, but really want to be intentional (and as ethical as I can) about it.
Organize my computer files. My desktop is imploding with files, and I know I'll work better if I straighten it up a bit :)
Create daily goals list. I want to spend a moment in the morning to scribble down two or three main things I want/need to accomplish that day. I don't want a marathon to-do list--just a few things that I want to tend to on that day :)
That's what I'm sticking to this September.

look at your little guy walking!!! he's too cute :) purging my closet, since we're getting ready to move, has been so great. you're right, it's way too easy to hang onto things that really need to go away, whether it's stuff that's too nice or too icky. i read something (probably on pinterest), that suggested, if you wouldn't buy that piece of clothing today, you should get rid of it. so maybe that helps you out a bit :)
ReplyDeleteOrganize my computer files! This is such a good goal. Always needed.