April Goals
So, March was a different month than I expected. Sometimes, the unexpected jumble up all your tidy lists and goals. But, you know, I think that's a good thing; it reminds me that I am not in control of all the pieces of my life.
I think, all in all, I probably would get a B- if I graded this month based on completion of these goals. But, writing out these goals is not to just do things and have a fancy to-do list, it's also to learn and try things--even if I don't succeed in all of it :)
So, here's how I did in March:
Take a walk everyday. So, I really tried to do this one. But, I missed a few days here and there. What I didn't do so well at? Still exercising even if the weather was not nice enough for a walk.
Make my bed everyday. Not so good. I think I did this about 50/50 this month. It didn't help that our bed was in our living room for over a week. However, this is a habit that I really want to learn to do because it really does make such a difference!
Start doing more marketing. Done. This month I really saw a rise in numbers and sales. I am so appreciative of all the ladies who helped promote the Nicole Joelle Print Shop! :)
Celebrate my golden birthday. Definitely did this! You can read all about it here. Also, the Golden Birthday Giveaway is still happening too :)
Buy a well-fitting pair of crops/jeans. I did find one pair of crops (after trying on nearly every pair in the store...), and I love them. Comfy, well-fitted, and perfect for transitioning into spring/summer.
So, onto to this month's goals:
Turn off technology at nine. It's so easy for me to stay up late and waste time online. I know that I have a harder time turning my mind off after soaking in too much technology. So, this month, I want to change that. At 9, the iPad, computer, or phone is going off. I can read, paint, chat with Josh, or just go to bed.
Start Luke's one-year photo book. This is is not going to be done in April, but I at least want to get it started :) I want to make a photo book to document his first year (he's going to be 1 on the 20th...tear!). I still haven't decided which photo book company to use--any suggestions?
Start packing. It's very, very possible that we'll be moving in mid-May. However, the house that we are under contract to buy needs some work. So, once we sign the papers on May 1st, we'll be busy getting that house ready to move in. So, I really need to get about 80% or more of the packing done before then. I am so excited about buying our first home, but I am not excited to pack with a little child who loves to unpack boxes ;) Any tips for packing with a busy child?
Create 5 (or more) designs for the shop. I want to get some fresh designs in there before life gets super busy in May. Maybe one of my after 9 activities can be sketching and dreaming up new designs?
That's it. I'm not adding too many things to this month's to-do list because this month is already looking a little overwhelming and full for me--and these goals are definitely not meant to create more stress or pressure :)
Did you make any monthly goals?

I look forward to seeing how your first April goal goes (it's something I've been toying with too, but seems too hard to do sometimes...) and I'm praying the packing goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI like the turn off technology! That's a good one :)
ReplyDeleteI love My Publisher for making photo books, the quality is fantastic and they have sales on frequently so it's worth getting their emails. =)
ReplyDeleteI've packed several times with busy little girls - give him a box that he can always play with (his toys, stuffies, etc) pack and seal the boxes you are finished with. It helps sometimes or just putting in the time once he's asleep. =)
I love your lists! I used Shutterfly for Riley's 1 year book (post here: http://www.greatmanythings.com/2014/03/works-for-me-wednesday-family-photobook.html) I might try that technology turn-off, it'd be a good idea, I know.
ReplyDeleteThere is NOTHING like a pair of pants that fits well. I mean, seriously!!
ReplyDeleteLuke must be the same age as my Eliannah--she turns one on the 28th :). I really need to make a book for her...we did one for my son with Shutterfly. It was very easy to use, and it was pretty good. Not really impressed by the quality, but I have a feeling you pay for what you get ;-p.
Your print shop is LOVELY. I pinned one or two of your prints :). I'll have to ask you sometime how you recommend printing some of the more colorful pieces, like the Be Still print...those are my favorites :)
I used Shutterfly for Zoey's first year photobook and I really liked it. You can choose a theme of backgrounds, but then also add ones that you just like. I liked switching things up and using different backgrounds on every page.
ReplyDeleteHow to keep a busy baby busy while packing? Good question ... put him in the pack'n'play with a bunch of toys. Maybe google little activities that could keep him busy...good luck!!
I've use My Publisher also for all our family photo books since 2010- and made our wedding photo book with them also. We've been happy with the books- but I haven't tried others so I can't say that the quality is better or not. What I wait for is the "Free Pages" sales they have about 3 or so times a year- where you can get a 100 page photo book at about 75% off- so it ends up being about 45 bucks after shipping. They have a lot of other sales during the year but so far that is the best one I've seen them do (if you plan on needing a lot of pages). They just had one though so it may be a few months before another "free pages' sale happens but that would give you time to get the book done. I get their emails- they send a lot but at least I always know when the good sale is.