Capture the Year: Hello Spring
The last few weeks have been good. Despite the fact that sleeping + other activities have been a little less comfortable lately, I've felt pretty refreshed. Maybe it's the spring weather. Maybe it's the mounting excitement that baby will be here in 6ish weeks. Maybe it's just seeing and enjoying God's goodness around me.
Here's what I've been up to lately:
- The weather has been so beautiful lately! Even though the pollen is annoying, I'm trying to get out and enjoy it!
- These mini pizza/french bread things were created with all those left-overs we had laying around--so yummy!
- Kale. Chia seeds. Almond Milk. Banana. The fresh weather makes me crave yummy + healthy food!
- We started off our spring break with a coffee date (one of our favorite things to do together!)
- I've been working on some nursery decor--it's coming along (slowly but surely!)
- Oh, hello 32 weeks. Now, I'm at 34. Yikes!
- We (I mean, Josh) worked on putting the crib together. A family gave us their crib, but we lost the hardware for it (who knows where it went!), so we had to do some improvising. There were a few other glitches during the process, so it's not finished. But, I think we'll have it together by the end of this weekend :) Yay!
- Josh and and I facetimed from separate rooms in the house. It was actually fun and just a little bit weird ;)
- Mac loves my body pillow about as much as I do!
- This is Josh's "I'm excited about Spring Break face!!!!"
- Mac. Messy living room. Sunshine. Real life.
- On our way to Austin for a quick "babymoon"...more on that later :)

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