Bumpdate: 32 Weeks
Can you believe it's already March? March means a lot of happy things happening around here including spring break (and a quick pre-baby getaway!), my birthday (way at the end of the month!), spring cleaning, getting the nursery ready, baby showers, etc.
Plus, it means that we are getting closer and closer to our April baby :)
So, folks, the bump has officially arrived! I mean, it's been there for a while now, but there's no hiding it now ;)
Here's the 32 week bump!
Baby stats: He's as big as a honeydew and about 4.5 pounds
What's new: Well, I finally broke down and bought a body pillow to help me sleep a little better. It has definitely helped--although I do feel a little ridiculous when I cozy up with a huge pillow! :) I also asked the doctor what position baby boy is sitting in (since I often feel like he's living in my rib cage!), and he informed that baby is currently breech (which explains a lot!). He's got plenty of time to wiggle himself into the right position, so I'm not worried about that yet.
Symptoms: Other than extra congestion from the happy pollen floating around in Texas, I've been feeling pretty good :) I've definitely lost my ability to move gracefully (it's hard getting out of bed and off the couch!), but I think it's just part of the process.
Movement: I've been feeling lots of movement lately including little kicks, jabs, and hiccups. I love watching my belly bounce and move!
Cravings: Nothing much. I did have a pretty strong hankering for chocolate the other day, but I think that's just my love of chocolate talking! Plus, whenever I feel all yucky with sinus/allergy stuff, chocolate always seems to make things a little better :)
Exercise: Until the inability to breath slammed into me a few days ago, I was getting in walks, yoga, and dancing to "All the Single Ladies." It's kinda fun to get some dance moves on! I think it helps loosen me up :)
What I miss: Taking my normal rounds of allergy meds. Most of the stuff I take for my allergies is off limits while pregnant, so I haven't feel super great the last few days. Does anyone have some natural remedies/suggestions to help with congestion?
What I look forward to: Baby showers + getting his crib/nursery put together over spring break. It will be fun to see all the sweet baby things and also have time to finish up some projects. I think that putting together his room and organizing all those baby things will really help me realize that this baby will be cooing (and crying!) in my arms soon :) I can't wait!!
{Happy Monday!!}
{ps. the Sweet Simplicity link-up is tomorrow!}
Plus, it means that we are getting closer and closer to our April baby :)
So, folks, the bump has officially arrived! I mean, it's been there for a while now, but there's no hiding it now ;)
Here's the 32 week bump!
Baby stats: He's as big as a honeydew and about 4.5 pounds
What's new: Well, I finally broke down and bought a body pillow to help me sleep a little better. It has definitely helped--although I do feel a little ridiculous when I cozy up with a huge pillow! :) I also asked the doctor what position baby boy is sitting in (since I often feel like he's living in my rib cage!), and he informed that baby is currently breech (which explains a lot!). He's got plenty of time to wiggle himself into the right position, so I'm not worried about that yet.
Symptoms: Other than extra congestion from the happy pollen floating around in Texas, I've been feeling pretty good :) I've definitely lost my ability to move gracefully (it's hard getting out of bed and off the couch!), but I think it's just part of the process.
Movement: I've been feeling lots of movement lately including little kicks, jabs, and hiccups. I love watching my belly bounce and move!
Cravings: Nothing much. I did have a pretty strong hankering for chocolate the other day, but I think that's just my love of chocolate talking! Plus, whenever I feel all yucky with sinus/allergy stuff, chocolate always seems to make things a little better :)
Exercise: Until the inability to breath slammed into me a few days ago, I was getting in walks, yoga, and dancing to "All the Single Ladies." It's kinda fun to get some dance moves on! I think it helps loosen me up :)
What I miss: Taking my normal rounds of allergy meds. Most of the stuff I take for my allergies is off limits while pregnant, so I haven't feel super great the last few days. Does anyone have some natural remedies/suggestions to help with congestion?
What I look forward to: Baby showers + getting his crib/nursery put together over spring break. It will be fun to see all the sweet baby things and also have time to finish up some projects. I think that putting together his room and organizing all those baby things will really help me realize that this baby will be cooing (and crying!) in my arms soon :) I can't wait!!
{Happy Monday!!}
{ps. the Sweet Simplicity link-up is tomorrow!}

Love your outfit!! Looking good pretty Mama! :)