Quiet + Rest

(Sorry, babe...but I love this photo!)

Today is one of those days that I have hope that fall is coming to Texas. Rain washed the ground last night and the fallen leaves are deeper in color. Unlike last week, this week has been cooler, and it feels so refreshing and new.

It's days like today that I feel like scribbling words on paper (or the computer screen) or threading floss methodically through fabric.

Lately, this blog has been a little quiet. These last few weeks have been a time of adjustment for me. Back to the grind of school and work. Watching my hubby calculate complicated math + aerospace problems into the late hours of the evening. Feeling a bit done after six and retreating to the couch.

Dishes are left undone. The laundry from last weekend is still folded in the basket. Our office looks like a paper and fabric museum. My blog has been quiet and still.

I know that I'll catch wind of motivation again, but for now, I feel a bit like quiet and time is what I crave. It's okay to rest--to stop running around like a crazy person and stop and enjoy life. At the same time, I don't want rest to turn into laziness. Or quiet into boredom.

I often think that fall is a time for nestling in for the winter; a time, even amidst the holiday season, to enjoy the warm of your home and the quiet of dark evenings. A time to slow down a bit.

I do have lots of blog ideas floating around, but for now, they will rest until I'm ready to tackle them with more than a mediocre effort.

I promise that lots of exciting things are happening--just wait :)

Do you ever feel like quiet and rest are luring you in? That you crave and need some time to stop doing and simply rest?


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