Meet August's Family of the Month: The Hosmer Family!

I'm so thrilled to have the shop up and chugging again and introduce you all to more adopting families! I "met" Kacia online a few months ago and am so excited for her family to be this month's family of the month!

Let's go ahead and get to know the Hosmer family a bit more :)

ps. aren't they stinking adorable!?

Q: Tell us a little about how you decided to begin the adoption process?
A: We started praying about taking the desire to grow our family by way of adoption a reality about a year after we were married.  We are so thankful that we've had these years to pray and dream together before starting the paperwork - we've been saving money since we first got married for this next step in our family!

Q: What are some of your family's favorite activities? What traditions do you look forward to introducing to your new family member?
A: We love family walks, swimming, and breakfasts :O)  Well, momma loves breakfast because daddy and the kids make it!  We love dreaming up new traditions for our family, and we can't wait to continue expanding those traditions as our family grows!  Harlow absolutely adores babies, and I know that she will probably spur on a lot more traditions, as she steps into a big sister role!

Q: Could you tell us some ways we can support you during this process?
A: Prayer! It is the most up and down and emotional experience that either of us have ever gone through.  As soon as we experience a high, it is followed by a huge feeling of discouragement.  We've committed to praying through those difficult times, and He has shown us time and again that He truly IS our Comforter.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share about the adoption process or your family?
A: We have prayed from early on in our marriage that so many friends and family around us would adopt as well - God calls us to care for His children and the orphans in our world.  Our hope is that mixed families would be so normal that hair color, eye color or skin color wouldn't turn heads anymore.  We pray that others would listen to the tug in their hearts, if God is calling them to adopt as well!

If you want to get to know Kacia and her family a bit more, be sure to stop by her blog, Kacia + Robot, to say hello :)

**If you are new around here, 25% of each sale from Home for Hire {the shop} goes to the family of the month. I love supporting those who are adopting and feel so blessed to be a little part of their journey! You can read more about how that got started over here**


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