Bathroom Purge

Although I started this series all about stuff before we decided to move, it has been a wonderful excuse for going through our stuff before we pack it up. We still have about 7 weeks before we need to move out, so I want to use that time to really go through our things and look honestly at what we want to keep.

I decided to start with the bathroom because it seemed the most doable. Plus, I don't think I had ever really organized/purged it since we moved in over two years ago. Don't worry--I do clean my bathroom; I just hadn't gutted it!

I'm going to apologize for the not-so-hot photos of our small, cramped, and poor lit bathroom :)

Before beginning, I created a pre-purge, during purge, and after purge list. I felt this really helped me focus on realistic needs and then think more creatively about what to do with what I didn't use or need.

Since I found it so helpful, I thought you guys might want to check it out. You can download it here! 

Here are some tips for purging, assessing, and simplifying your bathroom and the stuff that comes with it!

1. Throw away garbage or opened and unused items. Some stuff I tossed: old toothbrushes, gross lotion, old tp rolls that had rolled to the back of the cabinet, razors, etc. I threw away almost a whole garbage bag--and my bathroom is tiny!

2. Organize what you use into different categories. For example: medicine, travel, pamper, daily use, jewelry, etc.

3. Assess. Do you have fifteen bottles of lotion you never use? Think about donating the unopened/new bottles to a local women's shelter. Or maybe you could create welcome kits for your house guests.

4. To avoid needing to gut out your bathroom in six months, think about what items you seem to buy but never use. For example, if you have ten bottles of perfume but never wear it, avoid the temptation to buy a bottle of perfume during your next visit to the mall. Do you have five different bottles of shampoo? Use them up before buying more! In order to live more simply and with less stuff, it's important to purchase with intentionality. I'm learning this right along side you!

5. Enjoy your clutter-free and simplified bathroom!

Anyone else have any tips for keeping a bathroom clean and clutter-free? Ideas about how to give your excess or avoid getting too much stuff in your bathroom?

{I'm sharing at It's Overflowing, Tatertots and Jello, and Whipperberry}


  1. I'm in the "use things up before I buy new ones" phase with you. I realized I had 4 bottles of shampoo... how did that happen? lol There are several other things I've been doing that with and I'm surprised how long these things I already had have lasted. Fewer things to buy = money saved! You go girl!


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