January Junk Purge: If You Can't Bear to Throw it, Repurpose it!
A while back, I studied abroad in Guatemala and I truly fell in love with the country. How could you not when it looks like this?

Not only is the country beautiful, but the people truly are too! I hope to return someday soon...
Anyhoo, while I lived there, I picked up this purse:
I used the purse for a while, but then (like a lot of things), it got stuffed into a scary corner of the closet. While "purging," I stared at it and realized that I was probably not ever going to use this as a purse again. Yet, I couldn't throw it away--it had meaning! Then, I decided that I would repurpose it into a little pillow. I had intended to make it larger, but the fabric split easily and kept tearing. In the end, I made it small, stuffed it with some filling and dryer sheets, and stuck it in my drawer. Now, it has a new purpose (a drawer freshener!), it's not stuffed into a random storage place, and it still has meaning!
Here's the final result:
A rosette for good measure!
While doing this, I thought that there must be lots of wonderful ways that you can repurpose items that have meaning (or you just can't bear to throw away) and enjoy them in a new way!
Here's some other ideas!
A musty sweater to a delightful pillow!
Make a sad jewelry box resident into a lovely magnet!
Isn't this one fun? Use old handkerchiefs to make a banner!
Can you guys think of any? I'd love to hear your ideas too!
Have a lovely evening :)
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